How We Help

Our sole mission is to support Jefferson Healthcare Hospice, in Jefferson County, Washington, through funding programs and services, sponsorship of educational events, and promoting community understanding of end-of-life care. When a person is no longer receiving curative treatment, Hospice provides end-of-life care and allows patients to have the best quality of life possible throughout any life-limiting illness.

Jefferson Healthcare Hospice is licensed by the state of Washington and is Medicare and Medicaid certified. It is also accredited by Accreditation Commission for Health Care. The founding members of the Foundation recognized that reimbursement by Medicare and other insurances alone does not meet the financial needs for providing comprehensive and holistic hospice services. The Foundation ensures that holistic hospice care is available to our community which includes comfort care needs, respite care, and other bereavement services for patients and caregivers in our community.

We thank our generous friends and donors for supporting and sustaining the work of hospice in our community. Your gifts make a difference.

2024 In Review

Patients Received Hospice Care
Foundation Volunteer Hours
Funds Given to Support Hospice

Programs We Support

In 2019, the foundation provided $70,000 to support patient and family services and programs provided by the Jefferson Healthcare Hospice.

Bereavement and grief

Bereavement Support

A comprehensive bereavement program is available throughout Jefferson County offering bi-weekly and monthly grief support groups and workshops.

Alternative Therapies

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies like massage, reiki, acupuncture, and music therapy are offered to patients as recommended by the Hospice Interdisciplinary Team.

Patient Care Kits

Patient Care Kits

Essential hospice care supplies, such as bed sheets that fit hospital beds, waterproof pads, and skin care products, are provided to families in need.

Volunteer Services

Volunteer Services

The Hospice Foundation for Jefferson Healthcare supports volunteers who provided over 1,556 hours in patient and caregiver services in 2021.

Will you donate so that hospice services can continue for our community?

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