Linda Mollino, MSN, RN


Linda’s experience with hospice began early in her 46-year nursing career as a hospice nurse. She found her passion for nursing in meeting the needs of clients during one of the most important times in their lives. After retirement Linda was looking for an outlet for her experiences as a nurse and educator and it seemed a natural fit to join the Hospice Foundation for Jefferson Healthcare. Linda feel’s that she has come full circle and now as the Foundation Board President can assist in facilitating the mission of the foundation along with the other board members that of supporting Hospice for Jefferson Health Care financially through fundraising and educating our community about hospice care.


Vice President

Mary Ann is a native Washingtonian, University of Washington graduate and 24-year resident of Port Townsend. She is now retired after working 50 years in non-profit and public sector organizations as an Executive Director and Organization Systems Leadership Consultant and Trainer. As past president and member of the Hospice Foundation for Jefferson Healthcare, Mary Ann strongly believes the final chapter of every person’s life is as precious as their birth. Mary Ann wants to do her small part to assure the best possible end-of-life and hospice care is available to everyone in Jefferson County. Mary Ann believes the Hospice Foundation for Jefferson Healthcare is the right place for her to accomplish this mission.



Shirley retired from her 40-year career in Oncology as a clinical specialist/manager in facilities that advocated the importance of the fully informed and supported person as decision maker. Throughout her career, she always maintained direct contact with patients and families, advocating and providing information for their quality-of-life decisions. Shirley joined the Hospice Foundation Board in 2015 to work in continuing efforts to educate, advocate and support quality of life for persons facing the end of life .


Friend of the Board

Rachel retired from her last position at University of Washington Medical School involving the education of healthcare professionals in communication skills. Research projects focused on hospice and palliative care for professionals working with the dying and their families. Her professional experiences along with her personal family experience with hospice services propel her interests to serve on the Foundation’s Board. Rachel is grateful for the opportunity to help educate our community on the merits of hospice care in support of the Jefferson Healthcare Hospice Program.


Vicky was motivated to seek Hospice Foundation Board membership because of the compassionate hospice and palliative care that her mother and husband received at the end of their lives. Volunteering in this capacity allows Vicky to pay it forward and be part of this worthy cause in Jefferson County. As a retired teacher and elementary principal of over 30 years, she brings the qualities of building relationships, the ability to share a vision through education.
and collaboration and that of a lifelong learner.

Andrea Feight, DMD, MPH

Andrea retired after a 37-year career that included private dental practice and 30 years as a Commissioned Officer in the US Public Health Service with assignments on reservations in four western states. She held administrative and leadership positions at the Food and Drug Administration in the safety surveillance of marketed drug products. Her interest in serving on the Foundation’s Board derives from her experiences with family members who benefited from hospice services. At that time working on the east coast, she was frustrated with the lack of information she received about hospice care. Andrea is thus eager to promote knowledge within the community.

Interested in becoming a Board Member?


You can provide top-quality hospice care and services in our community.