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Dear Friend,

Simply put, we seek to support Jefferson Healthcare’s Hospice Program in providing enhanced quality end-of-life services. We enthusiastically welcome you to learn about us and encourage you to seriously consider contributing your talents and support toward our goal. Thank you so much for your interest!

Hospice Foundation for Jefferson Healthcare


The mission of the Foundation is to (a) raise funds in support of end-of-life services provided by Jefferson Healthcare Hospice Program, (b) educate our communities about the value and benefits of hospice services, and (c) to engage and cultivate mission benefactors.


The Hospice Foundation for Jefferson Healthcare was created in 2009 to ensure that the Jefferson Healthcare Hospice will continue to serve our community for years to come. All funds collected by the Foundation provide patient, family, and community services through the legacy of an endowment program. The Foundation is classified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

2024 In Review

Patients Received Hospice Care
Foundation Volunteer Hours
Funds Given to Support Hospice

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